Terrific pivoting ability. Reverse spins, draws contact and buys time with the disc while continuing to scan the field — can still set his feet, alter his throwing motion and manipulate his arm and throwing platform. Houdini-like escapability (uses subtle, nifty sidestep moves) and improvisational ability to pull a rabbit out of his hat and create magic. Sets quickly. Can sling it when he’s in rhythm and has a clean lane. Good zip short-to-intermediate. Can launch deep throws with ease and flashes a slight air bounce to drop it in the bucket. Shows composure in the face of a zone and is willing to put his body on the line to make a play. Makes plays with his feet, rolling downfield, extending plays or throwing on the move (left or right) to get the next pass. Slippery and elusive to escape physicality and is a threat to cut deep. Functional straight-line speed and run strength for a primary handler. Experienced, International player. Terrific character. Has a likable personality. Relentlessly positive. Only knock is he often uses his escapability to elude would-be Ultimate situations in order to engage in the Hangout, however Johnny Bravo GM Ryan Farrell stated this as a primary reason for signing him.